Story about robins

All About Robins

By: Brayden



What do they eat?

American Robins eat lots of worms, berries, and any kind of insect. Many Robins most likely like worms best because they are easy to find. They eat about 14 feet of earthworms a day!

Did You know that birds eat more food than humans? This is because they need lots of energy for things like flying, nest building, and lots of other things too!


When are robins most active?

Robins are most active mostly active during the day. They are one of the first birds to lay their blue robin eggs in the spring. The males have to be active to look out for any enemies that might eat them such as hawks, and snakes!


How long do they grow to be?

Robins usually grow to be 10 inches long That is almost the length of a whole ruler!                                                                        

What state are robins the state bird of?

American robins are the state bird of 3 states! The states are Connecticut, Michigan, and Wisconsin.


Fun facts about robins

Robins lay about 3-4 eggs.

They mainly live in North America but live in some parts of Central America

Most females and males may look alike but don't get fooled the male actually has slightly brighter colors then the female.

Sources: Twitter Times blog

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