What is a Robin exactly?

Bird Facts with Brayden

An American Robin is a bird that is 10 inches in length according to National Geographic Kids. They are most active in the daytime and are one of the first birds to lay eggs in the springtime! The adult robins also have to watch out for animals that will eat them such as snakes and hawks!😮 They mainly live in North America but live in some parts of Central America. This bird is very special because it is the state bird of 3 states! Connecticut, Michigan, and Wisconsin. Robins have a yellow beak and brown backs. Most females and males may look alike but don't get fooled the male actually has slightly brighter colors then the female. They eat earthworms, berries, and insects such as grasshoppers. Also, Robins lay about 3-4 eggs.  Now do you better understand American Robins? Please tell me below on my Chatroll widget. Thank you for reading,